Sunday, March 13, 2011

10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green (Link post)

There are countless "Green" websites and blogs out there that provide valuable information for those of us who are trying to reshape our worlds and become at least a bit more environmentally conscious and environmentally friendly. Therefore sometimes it's better for me to simply provide you with a link to other reliable websites than for me to reiterate the information that others have already presented.

With this in mind, the following link will bring you to the Worldwatch Institute's website. The Worldwatch Institute was the first independent research institute devoted to the analysis of global environmental concerns, and the particular page this link will bring you to to contains a list of "10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green." I have chosen this link because not only does it come from a reliable source but it lays out specific steps you can take in your own life to help preserve our planet. Too often we think about how we want to make a change but then we don't take the initiative to find our exactly what types of changes are possible. Well, here is somewhere for us to start!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

1 Tee= 1 Tree

"30 Billion plastic bottles every year; less than 5% is recycled.
Bottles take 700 years to decompose.
100 Billion bags per day; only 1% gets recycled.
No. the facts"

These words are scrawled across my black and white Verde Styles t-shirt that I proudly wear not only to educate others about these particular facts but also to support the eco-friendly company started in 2008 by college students Nish Patel, Matt Muchnick, and Chris Zachariah at Temple University. Each item of the Verdes Style clothing line displays eye-catching designs meant to raise awareness about environmental issues in our world, and for every t-shirt that Verde Styles sells, they plant a tree. Thus, 1 Tee= 1 Tree.

I had the privilege of working with the creators of Verde Styles when they sold their merchandise on my campus at West Chester University, and all I can really say about them and their mission is "Right on!" Nish, Matt, Chris, and those who work with/for them clearly believe that each of us is capable of creating positive change in our world, and these innovative leaders have stepped up to the plate to walk their talk. I commend and applaud Verde Styles and would highly recommend their merchandise because the products not only benefit our environment in several ways (they raise awareness of environmental issues when you wear them and you plant a tree when you purchase them) but they look great, too!

For more information on Verde Styles, go to their website:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog Review: is a blog that provides suggestions for your everyday individual looking to start making changes in his/her life to live more eco-friendly in even the smallest ways. The blog writers, Tracy Purrenhage and Juli Kushel, realize that you don't need to be an extremist to help save our planet. Tracy, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Policy Studies, and Juli, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science, are both well-taught experts in their fields and are looking to share their knowledge so that they can evoke positive change in our environment one person at a time. In their very first blog on March 4, 2009, they write:

"We didn’t arrive at our current environmental state in one fell swoop. And, we surely aren’t going to reverse it that way either. One person making one change and taking one step each day will have a compounding impact as we move forward. I am making a conscious effort every day to be a little greener in both my actions and purchases. If that will inspire another person to do the same, then change has begun."

After looking through their archives and reading some of their entries, I can see that Tracy and Juli have created a blog that makes complicated environmental issues and their solutions easier to understand. Aesthetically speaking I enjoy the blog because it has an array of colors but at the same time there isn't too much going on with it. There are a few advertisements but not too many where the page is saturated with them, distracting you from the actual content of the blog. Tracy and Juli provide pictures with some posts and videos with others, and each title of the blogs specify precisely what is discussed in that blog so that you are not confused or led astray into thinking the blog will be about something other than what it is truly about. 

The blogs are typically a good length because they are long enough to provide you with important information but not so long that you are too overwhelmed to even begin reading them. There is space for readers to make comments on the entries, and the writers include links for you to gain more information about the given topics.

All in all, I would say this is a great blog and would recommend it!

Blog Roll

Since my blog is all about the Go Green movement and the environmental issues this movement addresses, I sought out blogs that deal with various environmental problems, such as our overuse of plastic and excessive consumption of meat, and possible solutions to these problems, such as aseptic packaging and the idea of "Meatless Mondays" (giving up meat one day per week). The following are links to 9 blogs that deal with these environmental issues any many more.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Blog!

So it's been awhile since I last had a blog, and I am pretty excited to re-enter the blogging world. But this blog will be pretty different from those of my past. My past blogs revolved around my life and whatever I felt like writing about at the time (as many amateur blogs do). The Green World, however, will be much more focused and (hopefully) helpful to you--my readers--as well.

The goal of this blog is to provide an array of information on environmental issues. Given the recent "Go Green" trend, it has become fashionable for us to give off the "I care about the environment" vibe even if we aren't quite sure what is going on with the environment and exactly what the so-called Green products we consume are (or aren't) doing for the environment. I will write about a range of topics that are pertinent to this new environmental movement, from ways that we can, on a daily basis, make a more positive impact on the environment to reasons explaining why we should even care.

Don't get me wrong: I am by no means an expert on the environmental movement and I have a lot to learn myself. But that is precisely why I am writing this blog: so that we can learn the real importance of environmental consciousness together. So think of this more as a journey for us both into the mysteries of The Green World. I hope you are looking forward to this adventure as much as I am.