Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog Review: is a blog that provides suggestions for your everyday individual looking to start making changes in his/her life to live more eco-friendly in even the smallest ways. The blog writers, Tracy Purrenhage and Juli Kushel, realize that you don't need to be an extremist to help save our planet. Tracy, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Policy Studies, and Juli, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science, are both well-taught experts in their fields and are looking to share their knowledge so that they can evoke positive change in our environment one person at a time. In their very first blog on March 4, 2009, they write:

"We didn’t arrive at our current environmental state in one fell swoop. And, we surely aren’t going to reverse it that way either. One person making one change and taking one step each day will have a compounding impact as we move forward. I am making a conscious effort every day to be a little greener in both my actions and purchases. If that will inspire another person to do the same, then change has begun."

After looking through their archives and reading some of their entries, I can see that Tracy and Juli have created a blog that makes complicated environmental issues and their solutions easier to understand. Aesthetically speaking I enjoy the blog because it has an array of colors but at the same time there isn't too much going on with it. There are a few advertisements but not too many where the page is saturated with them, distracting you from the actual content of the blog. Tracy and Juli provide pictures with some posts and videos with others, and each title of the blogs specify precisely what is discussed in that blog so that you are not confused or led astray into thinking the blog will be about something other than what it is truly about. 

The blogs are typically a good length because they are long enough to provide you with important information but not so long that you are too overwhelmed to even begin reading them. There is space for readers to make comments on the entries, and the writers include links for you to gain more information about the given topics.

All in all, I would say this is a great blog and would recommend it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for those links and for those great first couple of posts! I look forward to reading more. I am also writing about living green @
